When you open a map in Viscovery SOMine, “Group Rage” is a cluster by default. A Group Range is a range of areas on the map that you want to analyze. For example, if the Group Range is set to “Cluster”, the Data Records Window displays data records (academic papers, news articles, ideas, etc.) that belong to the currently selected cluster.
The selected cluster is the cluster to which the node where the caret (small circle) is currently placed belongs. Move the mouse cursor on the map and click somewhere to select the node. If the Data Record window is not visible, select “View | Data Record” from the menu.
Displaying similar data records
Let’s narrow down the Group Range to see what papers, news articles, or ideas are in each area of the map. To do so, select “Nearest nodes” in the selector under the Menu.
And then, Select “Map | Nearest Nodes” in Menu. Then red points indicates the nearest nodes corresponding a currently selected node in the map.
You can further narrow down the Group Range. Selecting “Map | Nearest Nodes Option…”, the “Nearest Nodes Option” dialog box appears. Then you can select the number of “K nearest nodes”. For example, set 15 here.
Clicking different nodes on the map changes the data displayed in the Data Records window. This way you can access a more narrowed list of similar papers, news articles, and ideas.
If the dat includes URL link, you can access the source documents clicking the links. Clicking right mouse button, you can copy the data to clipboad and past them to external software such as Microsoft Excel. Reading the text included in the data such as abstruct, you might be able to find the commonalities of the documents(papers, articles orideas).
However, easyer way is to make a question on LLM chat service, such as ChatGPT. You can show the copied text to the LLM chatbot and ask what the commonalities are within the group. A more effective method is to copy text from two different groups and present it to the chatbot as [Group 1][Group 2] and ask “What are the conceptual differences between these groups?” .
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