このページは、 Hugin GUIのさまざまなベータ・バージョンおよび開発バージョンのアップデートを含みます。これらのアップデートは正式なものではありませんのでご注意ください。これらのアップデートのダウンロードおよびインストールに関しては、いかなる場合もユーザー様ご自身の自己責任で行ってください。 HUGIN Expert A/S は、これらのアップデートについてどのようなサポートも提供致しません。
HiTS/ISAC はヨーロッパ・コミッションで設立された研究開発プロジェクトです。HUGINはこのプロジェクトでテクノロジー・パートナーを担当しています。
- データのロードとストアのためのJDBCインタフェース
- パラメータ感度分析
Hugin HiTS-ISACの変更ログ
The updates from build 6800 are the following:
Changes from Build 7000 to Build 7001:
- An effort has been made to improve the speed of the database connectivity.
- Improved the Analysis Wizard. For instance, added functionality to view data for columns not represented in the model as variables in the Analysis Wizard.
- Bug fixes and Other small improvements
Changes from Build 6909 to Build 7000:
- Views added to list of tables in database connections
- Bug fixes
- Other small improvements
- Included functionality from the official release 6.9
Changes from Build 6906 to Build 6909:
- Bug fixes
- Other small improvements
Changes from Build 6904 to Build 6906:
- The analysis is now only performed for nodes in the sensitivity set. This has corrected some rounding errors
- Other small improvements
Changes from Build 6800 to Build 6904:
- Color map included in the CPT shown in the parameter sensitivity analysis dialog
- Preliminary version of a sensitivity set graph dialog included
- Multiple adjustments and improvements to the parameter sensitivity dialog have been made
- Corrected an error in the API implementation of parameter sensitivity analysis
BIOTRACER ヨーロッパ・コミッションで設立された研究開発プロジェクトです。HUGIN は、このプロジェクトでテクノロジー・プロバイダーを担当しています。テクノロジーの提供の一部として、HUGINソフトウェアの新し機能が開発されます。
- テーブル・ジェネレータでの分布にLogNormal、PERT、三角分布を追加
- 連続変数の自動離散化をサポート
- IntervalDCNodesのモニター・ウィンドウに密度表示モード
- パラメータ感度分析
Change log for Hugin BIOTRACER
The updates from build 6800 are the following: Changes from Build 7201 to Build 7202: (Download jar-file) Build date: 14 September 2009
- VOI analysis now supports CG nodes as indicators
- What-if Analysis with continuous evidence (compute posterior beliefs with mu + minus some number of standard deviations )
- Analysis Wizard: enabled "Accuracy" pane in CG networks
- Fixed: bug related to the use of case counts in data files
- Status Bar now displays the size of the policy for a selected decision node
- Status Bar now displays the size of the utility function associated with a selected utility node
- Flip network layout upside down: Network->Flip network
- Introducing OOBN EM: EM Learning wizard now enabled for OOBNs as well (feature is working, but still under development).
Changes from Build 7200 to Build 7201: (Download jar-file) Build date: 20 May 2009
- Corrected bug in the States Generator Panel. A Class Cast exception was throws while launching the States generator panel for a node that has two parents and at least one of them is a Discrete Decision Node.
- corrected bug! Log files where locked by windows even after the corresponding project frame was closed in the gui.
- Bug in the DataAcquisition panel in the Learning Wizard when trying to open a file with invalid format. Corrected!
- Bug correction! Closing all frames by selecting in the menu "Windows --> Close All" would throw a null pointer exception.
- Data preprocessing panel (Learning wizard, Em wizard, etc) : The user can now choose between UTF-8 and iso-8859-1 encoding when opening a .dat file.
- Corrected a Null Pointer Exception bug that occured occationally in the Node States Generator Panel.
- Conflict analysis - reporting resolution hypothesis and partial conflict to usage log
- Corrected bug in the States Generator Panel. A Class Cast exception was throws while launching the States generator panel for a node that has two parents and at least one of them is a Discrete Decision Node.
Changes from Build 7101 to Build 7102: (Download jar-file) (Download updated DLL-file) Build date: 10 December 2008
- Parameter Sensitivity Analysis with two inputs from one CPT.
- Parameter Sensitivity Analysis with two inputs from two different CPTs.
- Computing Sensitivity on multiple cases from a case file in Parameter Sensitivity Wizard.
- Support for computing the k-most probable configurations has been included in the Joint Analysis Dialog using a Monte Carlo based algorithm.
Changes from Build 7100 to Build 7101: (Download jar-file) Build date: 16 October 2008
- Learning Wizard: Discretization using Information Entropy Minimization (U. M. Fayyad and K. B. Irani. 'Multi-Interval discretization of continuous valued attributes')
- Allowing the creation and parsing of invalid Expressions in the Expression Builder Wizard.
- Computing Senssitivity on multiple cases from a case file in Parameter Sensitivity Wizard.
Changes from Build 7001 to Build 7002:
- Min - Max Sensitivity value color maps in Parameter Sensitivity Analysis.
- Support for selecting a sensitivity line to display in the graph when performing Parameter Sensitivity analysis for all states.
- The hypothesis variable combo box is rendered to visually show nodes with evidence (Parameter Sensitivity Wizard).
- Displaying the upper and lower bounds of the sensitivity lines (Parameter Sensitivity Wizard).
- Allowing the Parameter Sensitivity Analysis for influence diagrams with instantiated decision nodes.
- A new Tab in the Parameter Sensitivity Wizard (Constraints) for supporting user specified constraints. Supports a one event constraint, a two event difference constraint and a two event ratio constraint and allows the user to manually implement the changes or automatically adopt them. It supports the specification of one or two constraints.
- When inserting parent nodes in an expression their types (Boolean, Labelled etc.) are displayed (Expression Builder Wizard).
- Fixed bug inserting parents in an expression when building a Distribution or a NoisyOr expression (Expression Builder Wizard).
- Parsing an expression written in edit mode when returning to build mode so the tool can use its arguments in the argument fields (Expression Builder Wizard).
- Added help pages to Expression Builder and Parameter Sensitivity Wizards.
Changes from Build 7000 to Build 7001:
Build date: 24 January 2008
- Correlation analysis dialog
- Joint Dialog with relaxed requirement on network to allow analysis when all decisions are instantiated
- Color map in parameter sensitivity analysis display parameter sensitivities instead of parameter values.
- When opening a file with unknown extension, the file may optionally be probed for a net,oobn or hkb description
Changes from Build 6906 to Build 7000:
- Parameter sensitivity analysis added
- Monitor windows now display mean and variance for numerical nodes
- Included functionality from the official release 6.9
Changes from Build 6905 to Build 6906:
- Expression builder now supports bar mode and pure bar mode display of table content
- Bug related to displaying the "table" of a decision node fixed
- Bug related to reordering parents of utility nodes fixed
- "show as table" always enabled
Changes from Build 6904 to Build 6905:
- The analysis wizard will display state labels or state values depending on the node settings
- Other small improvements
Changes from Build 6803 to Build 6904:
- "truncate" operator for distributions taking the form truncate ([lower value], <Distribution>, [upper value]). An example is "truncate (-4, Normal (0,1), 4)" which truncates the normal distribution at -4 and 4, respectively. Either the lower or upper value may be left unspecified
- Improved discretization dialogs (both edit and run mode)
- Bitmap view of a CPT. A white pixel is a zero value.
- Preliminary version of a revised Table Generator implementation. The revised Table Generator eases the specification of expressions and is more intuitive
Changes from Build 6802 to Build 6803:
- Calculation of mean and variance of numerical nodes when selected
- Belief bar resizing in Node List
- Equi distant discretization in run mode
- Show mean calculation in User Log
- It is now possible to have a mixture of type in "if"-expression, e.g., it is possible to specify the following expression
"if (X>0, Normal (160,100), 0)"
- It is possible to discretize an interval node with evidence where the evidence has been entered as a value (as opposed to selecting a state)
Changes from Build 6800 to Build 6802:
- Restore original discretization